Excitement was in the air so was in the little hearts about the night sky universe adventure which was about to start. 21 little ones were all geared up for their first night sky session at Zlife Education center of learning, Camp Mustang
We departed from school at around 1700 hrs and reached our destination, camp mustang at about 1830 hrs. It was cold but not enough to set back the curiosity of the students.
Kids already had an idea of what they were going to see and experience in the night as they were briefed in the bus on our way. After entering the camp, we rested in the lounge area, where kids enjoyed evening snacks and beverages.

2 groups were divided, one of which played the solar walk quiz and the other went to watch the moon and Jupiter through our very own 6” Newtonian telescope and vice versa.
Kids were jumping as if they have seen a fairy tale superhero and were ecstatic. We continued our venture of astro observation after a splendid vegetarian meal at 2100 hrs.
After a break, kids were finally introduced to the basics of night sky observation with some definitions and concepts that are very handy for astro enthusiasts. Later they were taught about the sky map, planishphere.
Now they were all geared up to go out there under the shades of the stars and look freely and be a part of the cosmos. After a refreshing beverage drink, at around 0000hrs we went out and learned about the constellations, myths, stories and their whereabouts in the sky.
I set the telescope towards Pleiades star cluster and the mighty Orion Nebula in the constellation Taurus and Orion respectively. Now was the time for us to scoot back into the cosy and warm lounge area as the winter chills were knocking at our very sensitive senses.
Kids were given a short break and after that they played 'SKETCH WHAT YOU SAW' competition in which they drew the heavenly bodies on the paper, which were stored rather permanently in a safe section of their minds.
I sent the kids to bed, beside them bragging about to learn more and more as the night was at peak and little minds needs rest too. At around 0500 hrs in the morning medals were distributed to the already wide awake kids and we bid our goodbyes to the camp after a nice breakfast. The night left its imprints on our minds and souls, the night observation of Chinmaya Vidyala
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